Happy Friday! Bits and pieces of our week and musings...


I'm oh so glad it's Friday.  Feels like this week has taken forever!  In one week we bid on a house, lost a house, thought we were going to be homeless, bid on another, and started the process of going into contract on the house of Richie's dreams, planned Bar's birthday shenanigans, did four Soul classes, had a doctor's appointment, had Avi home from school for two days, cooked four dinners, some muffins, ahhhhhhh... Here are some things that went through my head yesterday:

  1. A year ago this time I was huge, miserable, and impatient (read: 40 weeks pregnant).  It's amazing how different our lives are year to year!  It makes me so grateful for how good I have it.
  2. Montclair is this strange place where everyone who lives there or ever lived there loves it.  Everyone is so nice and friendly and it creeps me out.  I want to be one of those people!  Lucky for me, we're moving there!
  3. At the same time I'm going to miss the city.  I'm coming around to being okay with that though.
  4. Home cooked meals are one hundred million times better than delivery.  Except for vegan Chinese food on Sunday nights, something about it...
  5. Soulcycle saves my life almost every day.
  6. It makes me sad that my bestie Ali won't live down the block from me when I'm a Montclair lover.  She'll have to move!  Got that Zablozk?!?

Ok on that note, here are some pics from our week: